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A Break From The Microcosm

Hello Campers,

This week I was taken back to “Camp Ash” on Johnson’s Pond in Coventry, Rhode Island. It was the beginning of the nineteen seventies. My dad worked in the city and my mom was a full-time stay at home mom. We lived in a three-bedroom one-bathroom home on a quarter acre corner lot in the suburbs. Dad drove a nineteen seventy and a half Corvette Stingray back then. We referred to Mom’s nineteen seventy three Impala Station Wagon as “The Beach Wagon”. Money went a lot further back then, so they decided to look for a modest summertime residence for our family of five to enjoy. They eventually purchased their own slice of nature on Shady Valley Road. It wasn’t just the wonderful experiences we shared there that I appreciated. I don’t know if my parents realized it or not, but they gave me a break from the microcosm which often traps a child in sameness. My elementary school went from kindergarten to eighth grade. That’s a lot of years with the same group of kids. It wasn’t always easy. Whether my parents knew it or not, our family’s little campsite was my refuge. My summertime family of friends never put me in a box or trapped me in the illusion preserved by those grade school classmates and neighborhood peers. My first summer on the pond was a fantastic experience full of different activities and new friends.I guess Dad turning seventy-seven this month caused me to take a deeper look. It doesn’t really matter if my parents knew what I was going through or not. The important thing was their decision helped make my childhood happier and healthier while fostering my appreciation for the brilliance of the great outdoors. With that said, thanks Dad! Happy Birthday and best to you in your next greatest year.

Remember, time is our most precious commodity. Spend it wisely.

Happy camping!

Ron Ash aka My RV Guy


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